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Throwback Thursday: Dancing with the Faerie King by Sara Cleto & Brittany Warman

The Fairy Tale Magazine

Though I prefer the kitchen cauldron,

Rosemary, basil, and sage -

Maidens all must take their turn

Dancing with the Faerie King.

Moonlight tangles round my throat,

Witch hazel, rose, and lavender -

And secrets line my slippers,

Telltale scents lost under perfume and wine.

Crystal glasses drunk too deeply,

Lemon, mint, and orange bitters - 

They know their King is an ugly truth

Behind sharp teeth and a beautiful lie.

Revolution in my heart

Oleander, hemlock, and pennyroyal - 

My shoe’s secret in the cup, 

I offer the King a shy smile and my glass. 

Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman are award-winning folklorists, teachers, and writers. Together, they founded THE CARTERHAUGH SCHOOL OF FOLKLORE AND THE FANTASTIC, teaching creative souls how to re-enchant their lives through folklore and fairy tales. Their fiction and poetry can be found in Enchanted Living, Uncanny Magazine, Apex Magazine, Liminality, and others.

Graphic: Amanda Bergloff @AMANDABERGLOFF


The Fairy Tale Magazine

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