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Review by Lissa Sloan: Flemish Folktales by Signe Maene

Did you know that in Flanders, the Devil drives a black coach drawn by four fine black horses? Or that magpies, hares, or cats may be witches in disguise and trees may house ghosts? Have you heard of Kludde the shapeshifting trickster? My answer to any of these questions would have been no before I discovered Belgian author Signe Maene sharing the rich folklore of her home on social media. When she announced a Kickstarter for a collection of tales in a beautifully illustrated book, I backed it immediately.

Flemish Folktales Retold is a delightful and atmospheric introduction to the dark and oftentimes quite unsettling world of Flemish folklore. Happy ever after is not usually the rule here. Persecuted witches have their revenge—or seek it at least. Foolish actions are punished harshly (sometimes permanently). The dead are angry and unquiet. And magical creatures do not take kindly to being watched.

Here are tales of witches, hares, and cats; ghosts and devils and shapeshifters, as well as dutiful daughters, hateful sons, innocents who stumble on enchantment in the woods, and of course, those foolish enough to bargain with the Devil. I have a soft spot for Devil stories, so it’s no surprise that my favorite in this collection, “The Ship’s Log,” is a terrifying, claustrophobic tale of a completely unexpected visit by the evil one himself. The thirty-six stories are short, and each is beautifully illustrated by Cate Zeederberg. Whether you read a story or two before bed each night, or binge them during daylight hours so you finish before dark creeps in, Flemish Folktales Retold is a delicious, dark, and spooky taste of Flanders and its folklore.

You can find it here.

Lissa Sloan is the author of Glass and Feathers, a transformational continuation of the traditional Cinderella tale. Her fairy tale poems and short stories have appeared in The Fairy Tale Magazine, Niteblade Magazine, Corvid Queen, Three Ravens Podcast, and anthologies from World Weaver Press. Visit Lissa online at, or connect on Facebook, Instagram, @lissa_sloan, or Twitter, @LissaSloan. 


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