Stymied about what to buy your dad or husband for Father’s Day? Have you considered asking him?
Men are notoriously hard to buy for, and the older they get, the worse it gets. Often, they end up getting the present-day equivalent of the “new tie and handmade ashtray” gifts of the ‘50s—‘70s. Plus, when they get to a certain age, they, like women, just buy themselves whatever they want year ‘round.
(Note: This is where I have to say that I routinely surprise women friends and family with gifts. We are so much easier to buy for! So today’s CH is basically about the guys.)
Anyway, my husband Todd and I decided years ago to just ask each other what we want. We do the occasional surprise, but mostly, we tell each other what would be appreciated and call it a day. Sometimes, one of us gets creative and sends the other a link for gifts we’d like, but otherwise, we just talk about it.
Being upfront about what we want saves money and potential disappointment. I sincerely believe that giving a gift you are unsure about simply for the element of surprise leads to extra junk in the house and hurt feelings—especially when you are buying for men.
But, if you really want the element of surprise, just buy them food. Last Father’s Day I did get a bit creative and got Todd a ZINGERMANS Corned Beef Reuben Sandwich Kit for Father’s Day, and he loved it so much that he told me he never wanted anything else for Father’s Day. I’ve already ordered it for this year. The brownies I’m also sending will be a surprise element.
It may seem like I’m changing my mind mid-post by promoting surprise food gifts, but when we give food, we usually have a good notion of what the recipient loves to eat. Todd, for example, enjoys a big ole sandwich with lots of stuff crammed into it. We’re also loyal ZINGERMANS customers, so the Reuben kit was a no brainer.
Last, I always take time finding a special card for a friend or loved one for any occasion. People are touched by a good card, and if they are special enough, you can use them as decor when the social day is over. Todd and I always display the cards we give each other.
That’s all for this week. To those of you who will celebrate, have a happy Father’s Day weekend!