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Book Review: The Unofficial Princess Bride Cookbook by Cassandra Reeder

The Fairy Tale Magazine

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

The Princess Bride is one of my favorite novels. The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. So, when I learned there was an Unofficial Princess Bride Cookbook released in celebration of the movie’s 35th anniversary in 2022, I knew I had to read it, and it was no surprise that I loved every page!

The introduction, which presents The Princess Bride as a story about stories, argues that food is a “great people-uniter”, recognizing the power of foodways to bring families and cultures together. Divided into sections like Drinks and Cocktails (Boooooooze!), Soups and Stews (Are you just ladling around with me or what?), Appetizers and Accompaniments (Do you always begin meals this way?), Main Courses (Prepare to dine!), and Cakes, Pies and Tarts (I’ll eat you both apart! I’ll bake you both together!), this book is designed to make the reader smile. The recipes, which are all accompanied by beautiful full color photos, include “Mostly Dead Corpse Reviver”, “Fezzik’s Restorative Stew”, “Pre-torture Nourishment”, and “Buttercup’s Perfect (Chicken) Breasts.” The author also proposes complete party menus for a “Feast of Insanity” and a “Storming the Castle Banquet”. Every page is full of mouthwatering nostalgia.

In addition to the recipes, the book proposes a drinking game for watching the film, encouraging readers to take a sip every time Westley says “as you wish” or Fezzik rhymes a word. There are also tidbits of information about the book and movie scattered throughout the pages.

Although I didn’t try any of the recipes, I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to all fans of The Princess Bride. This hardcover volume would make a lovely gift for anyone who enjoys the story, and it may even inspire some Princess Bride Costume parties complete with the perfect snacks and drinks. Have fun storming the kitchens!

You can find the book here.

Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of the book in exchange for a fair review.

Kelly Jarvis is the Special Projects Writer and Contributing Editor for The Fairy Tale Magazine. Her work has appeared in Eternal Haunted Summer, Blue Heron Review, Forget-Me-Not Press, Mermaids Monthly, The Chamber Magazine, and Mothers of Enchantment: New Tales of Fairy Godmothers. She teaches at Central Connecticut State University.

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