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The Fairy Tale Magazine
Jul 4, 20222 min read
Poetry Showcase: The Summer Fairy by Lorraine Schein
Editor's Note: Today's Poetry Showcase is a summer jewel of a poem originally published in 2016. Enjoy! The Summer Fairy wears a...

Amanda Bergloff
Jun 28, 20222 min read
Women of the Golden Age of Illustration: Margaret Evans Price
The Golden Age of Illustration is a term applied to a time period (1880s - 1920s) of unprecedented excellence in book and magazine...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 18, 20224 min read
Snowballs for Angels by Priya Sridhar
Editor's Note: Today's essay, by Priya Sridhar, takes Hans Christian Andersen's tale of "The Little Match Girl," and looks at it through...

The Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 5, 20221 min read
June 2022 Issue: "Whispers of Wind"
Whispers of wind stirred echoes of the past and scattered thoughts of a different time and place through her mind... ~ A. Bergloff In...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20221 min read
Lost & Found in the Rain by Alicia Hilton
Hiking through a forest preserve, I tried to find myself hiding in dappled shadows. Hazy clouds veiled the sun, unleashed icy drizzle. A...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20221 min read
The Queen's Temple by Alexander Etheridge
There’s a scorpion in your mind, and vast fires in your eye. The sun went down ten thousand years ago, its light fell into a swallowing...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20224 min read
Seasonal Affliction by Robert Allen Lupton
A farmer had five sons and when he died his farm was divided into equal shares, one for each son. The sons worked hard, married, and had...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20221 min read
Climate Change by TS S. Fulk
The month of April passed without any showers elf tears do not suffice so May flowers struggle where shall bees and faeries flit and...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20221 min read
Light Bird, Shadow Bird by Jason P. Burnham
Sunny days are my favorite You’re always full of energy on sunny days. We fly together, up into the light; I can never keep up You fly...

Fairy Tale Magazine
Jun 4, 20224 min read
The Stone Sister by Betty Stanton
A very long time ago a huntsman and his young wife lived in a small cottage by the forest. The huntsman and his wife wanted to have a...
Tales & Poems
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